Juan Zarine-Berchar#139017;
Green Bay Correctional Institution (GBCI)
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, Wi 54307
Personal information
age: 46
Birthday: 2-14-63
Physical description: height 5’7”, weight 155; Hair: black; eyes: Brown; race: half French, half Hispanic Hobbies and interests:: I like to go to the movies, I enjoy Baseball, I’m a very loving and caring person, never been married. . I love cooking, reading, traveling, music and comedy. I like animals, also swimming. I like to have fun.
Juan says: “It gets very lonely for me at times as I do not have any family in the USI am 42 years old; I have never been married. I have two beautiful daughters. My oldest just passed away 3 months ago- she was in a car wreck.
I am hoping and praying to find a female friend who will open a line of communication with me, with the possibility of forming a relationship. I am not looking for beauty because beauty is only skin deep. I am looking for someone who is willing to love and be loved. Someone who is honest, loving, caring, and compassionate. Size and color does not matter; or age, because age is only a number. I want someone who has experience life, because I don’t want to play any games. All my life I have been looking for love in all the wrong places. I also want to let you know that my release date is in 2007. I am a very loving and caring person with a lot to give.”
Note: Juan has no one to write or visit him and has not had a visit in 9 years. Although like most prisoners, he hopes to establish the perfect love relationship, he will also be very happy writing men or women who are after a simple, straightforward penpal relationship.
We again remind you to use FFUP post office box if you wish your address to remain anonymous and we will forward the inmate’s mail to you. Remember to give us your real address so we can forward the mail.
Also, we offer support on any level if you come into problems or have suggestions or questions. Use our email or PO address: swansol@mwt.net
FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
P.O.Box 285
Richland Center, Wi 53581

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