Myron Edwards #258315 WSPF; PO Box 9900; Boscobel. Wi 53805
Nickname: "Sabiri” Qiyamah Shabazz; Birthday: July 30,1976; Age 30; date of release : pending; Race: African American; religion :Islam (sunni); Height 6’1”; weight 192, hair color: clean shaven (bald)
More about me: hobbies, interests: comparative religious study, practicing my religion, criminal law, politics, eating, ping p-pong, weight –lifting, chess ,reading religious materials, writing, cuddling, swimming, R and R, country and classical music, and helping others.
I'm looking for ONE very, very voluptuous woman- for a long-term friendship, to one day love and marry. I prefer a woman age 35 and up.
There are so many very, very voluptuous women who are lonely, ignored by men, without love and without passion in their lives. I know that if I become a companion to just one of you, that these things will be the most precious of all gifts. No woman should be without love and friendship just because of her weight.
Maybe God wants us to meet in order to some how give each other whatever it may be that out hearts and souls truly yearns for, but haven't found and/or had the chance to find in anybody else.... Until now. All the time we've spent meeting the wrong people, or nobody at all, before meeting the right one (each other), so now that we have net... we can be grateful and appreciative.
When the door of loneliness has been open for so very long in our lives and it finally closes the door to happiness opens. By that time we've been walking through the doors of loneliness for so long very long that we tend not to see the one which has just been opened unto us, leading to happiness.
Loneliness is a terrorist, except it has no righteous cause to claim, and it has no moral foundation.. .no God. There's no reasoning with it, none. It's a constant reminder that we don't live in the today of our lives, but in a continuous yesterday - which never really was, and a tomorrow which is no where in sight.
Could it be that the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit with, in public or on the porch, never saying a word and then, walk away, feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had?
Now what I'm offering is nothing outlandish, but something that's real and with substance to it.
Hopefully, we can become well acquainted with one another and establish a wonderful foundation though correspondence, visits, phone conversations and meaningful time spent together.
I didn't mean to intoxicate you with so many words, so I'm going to wrap this up by saying: I come to you with my hands holding my heart, I'm reaching out to give it to you, will you accept it? Don't be shy, ashamed, scared or doubtful. Also, don't take too long to think about this -1 hope to hear from "you" soon... .very, very soon. Take care, peace!
******* Remember though sistas.... I only want ONE of you, so first on to write may be the only one chosen. However. ALL letters will be answered... for a limited time only.
poem The Naked Soul of a Man...
The ocean waves brushes up against the warm sand, as I lay back and ponder over the naked soul of a man...
As I embrace the breeze flowing around my presence, 1 can't help but to close my brown eye and reflect on the essence...
For Some time now Ive been struggling to suppress these deep voices within, that have me mesmerized over a sweet angel without wings.
Her! The darkness of loneliness consumes my very life, as I find myself drawing your face among the stars at night...
But Oh, deep is the passion my mind and heart betrays, as invisible tears cascade down my dark face...
For the Lady in my dreams, I can not have, so my eternal sorrow on my behalf..
Your exquisite beauty encompasses me like the sunshine, absorbing the very pores of my being like red wine..
Your crystal grayish-blue eyes are diamonds, sparkling in the gentle glow of life beyond. ..For your curly sand-reddish hair fall all across your oval face,as your baby-doll features caresses the beauty of priceless grace...
Sweet Mademoiselle, your delicate personality is your halo, for you are more potent than gold yet more precious than a scarlet rose...
The soft music of your voice is a symphony of tiny birds singing songs,as the vibrations of the sound stimulates me deep down inside my naked soul...
Your silk peppermint skin is melted pearls that have been poured all across your petite body,inch by inch of you turns me on as the passion kills me softly...
Your smile is heaven on earth, as those peach wine lips are exotic, doing things to me that only a kiss can fix...
Your smooth legs are elegant like the ivory towers of Rome, as they embrace your thighs on up into a perfect round...
Oh Goddess, your lovely breasts are perfect like the statue of Venus, as your tiny waist is like a model's dream...
No, I'm not a Casanova, I'm just a gentleman of discretion,whose being a bachelor have become my profession...
But you, a vision in a glass globe, something I can only see inside and not hold... You are the fireplace that warms my heart, or with Cupid's arrow tears it apart..
Forgive me for being a Dark Phantom floating around inside your head, as I kiss you in a million places before you close your eyes for bed...
Thank you for being the photograph in the frame of my mind, as I drift away on the breeze like a butterfly...
to a place in my dreams where you are the sunshine, knowing that there and only there, you are truly mine...
So as I wake up, I must face heartache and pain, as you touch the naked soul of a man
Note: Prisoners do not have email or internet access.
Send your letter to the address listed at top of post.
If you would like us to send your first letter, send your letter to FFUP at swansol@mwt.net. Make sure you give us your “snail mail “ address so the prisoner can write you back .
You are always welcome to use our post office box as your forwarding address. Just make sure you give us your real address so we can send the prisoner’s reply to you. Our PO BOX :
PO Box 285
Richland Center, WI 53581
We are always available if you have questions, problems, or comments
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