
James Terry at WSPF

James Terry, #373986;
WSPF; PO Box 9900; Boscobel, Wi 53805

" If only my voice could be heard. I would climb the highest mountain top, shout for all women of all nations to listen as I describe myself in detail:
S/B/M, 6'4"; 220 lbs.; brown eyes; black hair; French National with US naturalized citizenship. Birthplace- Evereux, France; 7-14-64. Grew up in Katzweiler, Germany, on the economy, I was educated on United State air force installations.

I don't do false dilemmas, hoax or drama queens. I am laid back. Wish I were a literary linguist Interests include travel, athletics and writing. Have had relationships with women of all different backgrounds. The world is a cornucopia of assorted flavors, shades., and fragrances. All of which are lovely. Truthfulness shall be the key to unlocking the reservoir of my heart.

Prior to my incarceration I was employed as a fundraiser for United Youth Careers out of Des Moines Iowa, keeping inner-city children alcohol and drug free."

Note: We again remind you to use FFUP post office box if you wish your address to remain anonymous and we will forward the inmate’s mail to you. Remember to give us your real address so we can forward the mail.
Also, we offer support on any level if you come into problems or have suggestions or questions. Use our email or PO address: swansol@mwt.net
FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
P.O.Box 285
Richland Center, Wi 53581

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